Yoga Sisters is Boutique Yoga Studio in Sydney West

Yoga Sisters studio sydney west
Yoga Sisters Class

When I first started yoga I would always look around to see if my pose looked better than others. But the more I kept coming to my mat, the quieter my mind became.

My sister and I started using kriya right at the beginning. It was great for us as keeping our overheads low was a priority. Frank is always helpful he is local which is useful. I recommend kriya to anyone starting out and even all small / medium studios.

For class bookings, visit

Two to tango is what make Yoga sisters unique. This duo of Priscilla
and Lisa are passionate about Yoga and run classes at their boutique studio in Revesby
on Saturday at 9am, Sunday at 9:15am and Wednesday nights at 7:15am.

Being a small yoga studio Yoga sisters had a charm to
outstand among the other big fish. Being young and fresh they took wise decision
and instantly joined KRIYA booking software to manage their classes. KRIYA offering a
low cost online booking system in Sydney with loads of features is what yoga
sisters found helpful as a small studio owner.

yoga sisters yoga teachers
Yoga Sisters dancer pose

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