What Is Dru Yoga And Where To Do Dru Yoga Teacher Training In Australia?

Dru Yoga teacher training focuses on Dru yoga. Dru yoga is a style of yoga named after Dhruva the Indian prince in Hindu mythology who meditated upon God Vishnu and the God honored him with the eternal abode on the Pole star. Dru thus also means North Star in Sanskrit which in yoga represents your Inner Still Point.
According to Wikipedia Dru style of yoga was started in 1978 by Mansukh Patel, Chris Barrington, Rita Goswami, Annie Jones and John Jones at Bangor University. It is inspired by the teachings of Francis of Assisi and Mahatma Gandhi.
Dru Worldwide and affiliates have registered Dru yoga as their trademark in Australia and the US. According to “Dru World Wide” this yoga style has thousands of practitioners in 31 countries.
How does Dru Yoga work?

Dru Yoga works with postures, breath work, relaxation and meditation. Its series or sequences are called Energy Block Release.
Dru Yoga aims to create healing and unity by combining Asanas, Pranayama (breath control) and the ancient Eastern tradition of Mudras (hand gestures).
Like most of the yoga class Dru yoga also works on body, mind and spirit to rejuventate your whole being. It improves strength and flexibility, increases core stability, builds a heightened feeling of positivity, and brings deep states of relaxation. Dru yoga is favourable for all age groups and is easy to learn and practice.
Dru Yoga helps in:
- Reducing back pain
- Improves spine flexibilty
- Increases energy levels
- Improves breathing
- Reduces and controls stress levels
- Boosts confidence and self empowerment
- Makes mind emotionally stable
- Offers peace to mind
One of the unique features of Dru Yoga is the Energy Block Release (EBR) sequences. As your body requires a constant supply of energy (prana, chi, qi), flowing freely, in order to function well. This energy can become trapped, however, so Dru’s carefully designed EBR sequences help to release tension and free blocked energy, which can then be used for healing, rejuvenation and empowerment, bringing you back to a place of balance and harmony.
Where can you do Dru Yoga Teacher Training?
Dru Yoga teacher training centres and studios are located in the UK, Canada, Australia & Netherlands. This diploma course is accredited by Yoga Alliance, the Independent Yoga Network and the Yoga Teachers Association of Australia.
Dru yoga teacher training makes you learn the basic principles of yoga, postures, sequences, pranayama, meditation, anatomy and physiology.
You will also come to know how Dru Yoga works, and also how to develop specific therapeutic programs for individuals according to their unique requirements.
[How to become yoga teacher in Australia]
As mentioned above the Dru Yoga Teacher Training course is registered with:
- Yoga Australia (YA) as a 350 hour course
- International Yoga Alliance which covers the Asia Pacific region
- Independent Yoga Network (UK)
The course has strong post-graduate training programs with ongoing training in Yoga Dance, Youth, and Pre-natal yoga.

You can do Dru Yoga teacher training at:
- Address: 40 MacFarland Street, Chifley, Australian Capital Territory
- PO Box 448 Mawson ACT 2607
- Phone: +61 2 6161 1462
The courses are available both offline and online and the registration is open all through the year.
[Watch Free Dru Yoga online studio videos]
What is the difference between Dru Yoga and Hatha Yoga?
Dru Yoga is a style of Hatha Yoga. As you know Hatha means physical, yoga practice where you get all sorts of styles and traditions, such as Iyengar, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Satyananda, Dru and many more. Whilst there are similarities between the different traditions, each one has its own unique way of interpreting the yoga practices and areas of focus.
Dru Yoga teacher training also work with classical yoga postures and sequences, all with added Dru focus, finding that “still point” or Dru within the movement. This means yoga teacher needs to ensure that the body is aligned within postures, so the muscles are stretched and strengthened correctly, energy can then flow freely without being wasted. Yoga also focus on the beautiful wave like movement of the breath within the body, bringing strength and flexibility to the mind, body and soul. Dru Yoga works on so much more than the physical body.
The breath is key to yoga (and life!) and in Dru you spend time checking in with your breath, feeling the expansion and contraction of the breath, tuning in with the energy of the universe. This naturally brings calm and clarity.
What actually is Dru Pose or Dru Asana?
In Yoga Dhruv or Dru pose is also called tree posture (see image above where Dhruv is meditating). In this asana you stand straight with feet placed together. Bend the right knee and put the right foot on the left groin with the sole facing upward. Bring the hands near the chest and join the palms.
- While standing, bend the right knee shifting all the weight into the left leg.
- Turn the right wall resting the heel against the left leg.
- Look down at the floor and stare at one point.
- Slowly slide the right foot up the left leg, only as high up as you can maintain your balance.
- When you are balanced here, slowly bring the palms together, prayer position in front of the heart.
- Keep staring at your focal point on the floor. Keep the left leg strong pressing the foot into the floor.
- Keep the right knee bent 90 degrees towards the side wall.
- The shoulders are down and back and the chest is pressing forward. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
- To release the stretch exhale, release your arms back down through Angli Mudra (Joining palms of the hands together) then release the right foot.
- Repeat on other side.
Dru pose increases balance, focus, memory and concentration and strengthens the ankles and knees.
What are the best Dru Yoga Studios in Australia?
[Try Free Dru Yoga Therapy Here]
Remember that choosing the right yoga studio to train with is a big decision and will shape your entire career as a yoga teacher. Dru yoga teacher training can be taken as a beginner or as a professional yoga teacher or after you have finished your Yoga training or you are in the middle of it. It is a short term course that enhances and adds value to your yoga certification as a yoga teacher.
Q1. Why should you practice Dru Yoga?
Dru Yoga is a traditional style of yoga, that emphasize energy flow to make you relax and unlock your inner potential and discover the power to live your dreams. It helps you to discover the still point within, from which stems all calmness, happiness and contentment. Even one session of Dru Yoga can help ease stress and tension, raise energy levels, improve posture and back care, enhance coping skills and confidence levels.
Q3. What time of day is best to practice Dru Yoga?
Early morning is the best time to practice yoga, however, it all depends on your lifestyle.
Q4. How can I train as a Dru Yoga teacher?
Dru is an International Teacher Training Academy. They have training courses available in UK, Canada, Netherlands and Australia plus postgraduate courses for continuing professional development. Once you are trained in Dru Yoga you are capable to teach Dru yoga.