The Best Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings In Australia

Yin Yoga teacher trainings is a type of yoga training that is slow in style, with long postures in performance. Yin Yoga was founded in late 1970’s by martial arts experts and Taoist yoga teacher Paulie Zink. This type of yoga also incorporates principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
Ying Yoga studios can be widely found in US, Asia, Europe as well as in Australia.
What is Yin and the Yang?
In Chinese philosophy and religion there are two principles, one negative, dark, and feminine (yin ), and one positive, bright, and masculine (yang ), whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things.
The balance of yin and yang is important. If yin is stronger, yang will be weaker, and vice versa. Yin and yang can interchange under certain conditions so that they are usually not yin and yang alone. In other words, yin elements can contain certain parts of yang, and yang can have some components of yin. This balance of yin and yang is perceived to exist in everything.
Find here the Yin and Yang Studios in Australia
How does Yin Yoga help?
Yin Yoga helps in:
- Releasing stress on your connective tissues of the body like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones
- Helps blood circulation in joints improving flexibility
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- While mediating it makes you aware of your inner silence and connects you to the inner self.
- The postures in Yin Yoga are held for longer duration like in Hatha yoga to improve health and longevity. By stretching and deepening into poses, you open up any blockages, improving oxygen flow and releasing that energy to flow freely.
- Yin yoga is also for anyone who is dealing with injuries or a chronic condition like arthritis or osteoporosis as this style in particular is a more restorative practice than other forms of exercise. Yin can also be a great starting point for anyone interested in meditation as it helps you focus on your inner self.
The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the subtle body known as meridians in Chinese medicine and as nadis in Hatha yoga. As an example Taoist priests taught long-held poses, along with breathing techniques, to Kung Fu practitioners beginning 2000 years ago, to help them fully develop their martial arts skills.
Because yin yoga is practiced in a non-heated room, it’s easy to do anywhere, anytime. The key is holding each pose for an extended length of time, typically for two to five minutes or even longer. Many yin yoga postures are seated or reclined poses, since they require your muscles to be fully relaxed. As an example butterfly pose, seated forward fold, or frog pose.
In yin, you’ll breathe from your diaphragm with every inhale, feel your belly and ribs expand and with every exhale, pull your navel into your spine. Another good rule of thumb for deep breathing in a restorative yoga flow is to make your exhales twice as long as your inhales.
The Best Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings In Australia
Yin Yoga is a separate style of yoga. You do not need a particular certificate to teach “yin” yoga, but as a certified yoga teacher you can add on yourself by learning Yin Yoga and teach it at your yoga studio.
Yin Yoga in various forms has been around for centuries. There are trainings that you can attend that will certify you and, like with any yoga certification, this basically means that you have passed the course.
Also you won’t find any certifying body for this form of Yin Yoga but, you can certainly be trained in this style and you can have a certificate showing that you completed that training. The duration of the training varies from studio to studio. It can be 30 hour, 50 hour to 1000 hour of trainings.
In Australia following centers offer the best Yin Yoga teacher trainings:
1. Sukha Mukha Yoga

Yin teacher trainings at this studio is of 50 hours taught by yoga teacher Maryanne Edwards. This course explores the philosophy of yin yang theory, traditional Chinese medicine as it relates to the organs and elements, mindfulness meditation and the role of a slow, soft practice.
Maryanne first studied here at Sukha Mukha with Idit Hefer Tamir and also her teacher Jasmine Tarkeshi. For her Yin studies she has been guided by Sarah Powers and most recently completed some further Yin training through the lense of Embodied Flow.
Sukha Mukha Yoga offers Vinyasa yoga which is an excellent way to develop body awareness. But in recent times Yin Yoga has become a passion to facilitate and turn inward through the longer held postures of Yin yoga. Trainer Maryanne believes both are valuable practices that do not need to exist exclusively.
- Overall 50 hours CPD contact hours that can count towards 350 hours or 500 hours accreditation with Yoga Alliance
- To get accreditation you must have done 200 hours of yoga teacher training. The course is open to everyone but only certified yoga teachers can get the certification.
2. Australian Yoga Academy

Austraian Yoga Acedemy offers 50hr training on Yin Yoga to upcoming teachers with Karina Smith. AYA is an internationally-recognised Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Accredited School (CEAS). They love assisting teachers with their professional development needs, and provide an extensive selection of progressive teacher training programmes.
You can choose from a selection of programmes to increase your Yoga Alliance membership level from 200 hours to 350 hours, or from 350 hours to 500 hours. To qualify for an upgrade, all of the courses that you complete must be accredited by Yoga Alliance.
3. Kia Yoga

Kia Yoga comes from motivated husband and wife duo, Fraser and Elisha, to take that leap of faith and create a studio space based on the values of family, community and connection. They offer 40hour virtual yin yoga teacher training.
4. Sarah Owen Yoga

Sarah Owen is one of the leading Yin Yoga teachers in Australia and one of the first to introduce Yin Yoga to the Australian audience more than fourteen years ago. This studio offers Yin Yoga Teacher Training courses and workshops online, Sarah Owen is the only yoga teacher in Australia who is endorsed by Sarah Powers’ Insight Yoga Institute. Sarah presents a diverse range of workshops and teacher training courses each year, including 3 separate modules of Yin Yoga Teacher Training courses which can be undertaken in any order and without prerequisite. All Yin Yoga Teacher Training courses offered by Sarah Owen are recognized internationally by Yoga Alliance International (YA).
5. Warrior One Yoga

Warrior One Yoga offers 25 hour Yin Yoga and Myofascial release teacher training. This comprehensive Yin Yoga Teacher Training led by Monica & Megan will leave you with a clear understanding of yin yoga, fascia, anatomy, meridian lines and the therapeutic affect of the practice, making it relevant in your teaching.
You will get to explore the Western fascia studies and the TCM Meridian theory to understand why fascia has become the focus of modern research and the use of these concepts in complementary healing modalities.
Through this training, you will learn how to use yin yoga principles to improve performance and overall wellbeing using postures to increase flexibility, mobility as well breath techniques to calm and centre the mind. This training is suitable for yoga teachers and students that may want to delve deeper into the yin yoga practice.
6. Yoga Body Works

At this studio you will learn Yin yoga by Truth Robinson who is a also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. The training is of 30 hours and is open to dedicated yoga students who want to explore Yin Yoga more or for Yoga teachers wanting to add Yin yoga in their teaching syllabus.
This training will unfold the fundamentals of the practice of Yin Yoga and combine it with the secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This merging will enable a potency to your practice and teaching skills that will enhance the lives of you and your students to ultimately blossom into a more holistic experience of being.
7. Yin Inspiration

Yin Inspiration offers a whole lot of yoga courses and teacher trainings online. You will learn Yin yoga from the world famous teacher trainer Jo Phee based in Singapore. She is also the creator of AcuYin, MyoYin, Meridian Nidra and the world’s first 1000 hours Diploma in Yin Yoga. You can also follow her instagram and find the latest.
This is the first and only yin yoga school in the world to offer a 1000 hours Diploma in Yin Yoga certification. Yin Inspiration is the first in the yin community to offer a modular system that allows students to learn at their own pace, but also study varying complementary healing modalities in their yin yoga education.
Their certification is one of the most rigorous yin yoga teacher training program that exists and has attracted thousands of teachers and trainers from all over the world. These cross-discipline modules may be taken in any sequential order and there is no time limit to complete.
Most of the above studios offer yoga teacher training online as well as at the venue. You can use a booking software to book your classes and join the program. Many also are offering class passes as well as discounts on your first sessions. You can check the details of the programs on their websites. Happy living with Yin and Yang!