How do I create and modify promo or discount codes?

KRIYA provides you with the option to add Promo/Coupon/Discount Codes with which your customer can avail a special discount other than any special price.

This will give you a chance to make customers feel special.

You can create, modify and delete these promo codes as and when you want. It’s all up to you how to use the codes and to whom you want to give.

Create Discount Codes #

Head to Setting in the KRIYA Dashboard, then into Promo Codes.

Click on the Add Promo Code button on the top right corner. This will take you to the code creation page, where you have to the fields to make a promo code. Let us see what are those.

Navigation to Promo Codes

Name #

Enter the name of the Code here. Eg : “Christmas Special 5% discount Code”

Code #

Enter the actual code here. Eg: “XMAS5”

Type #

Here you have to select how the discount is calculated. i.e. Percentage or as a Fixed amount.
Eg: if you select percentage a percentage discount will be calculated on the amount. like a 5% discount on a $20 pass will give a $1 discount. And a fixed discount of $2 will make the final price of a $20 pass $18.

Percentage Off / Discount Amount #

Enter the Percentage off for this coupon code as a number, you can also use decimals as well. Don’t put the Percentage (%) sign here. Eg: 5.5 or 10
Enter the Discount Amount as a number. Eg: 10, 50 etc.

Duration #

Select the duration of the Code, which is the number of days it will work. either Once or Forever is available for now.

Limit Date Range #

Select this Check box if you want to limit the use of coupons till a date.
Eg: if you want to start a Code for Christmas till 1 Jan of the next year then you can use this option.

Redeem By #

If you have Selected the Limit Date Range Check box then this option will show itself, and then you can select the date till which this coupon can be used.

Limit Total Number #

Select this Check box if you want to limit the use of this code. Eg: you want this code to be used only 10 times.

Times #

If you have selected the Limit Total Number option then this option will appear to you. Enter the number in this box. This will specify the number of times the coupon can be used.

Status #

Select the check box to make it active and vice versa.

Submit #

Click on Submit to save the Code and settings.

Edit Discount Codes #

On the Promo Codes page. Click on the Actions button of the Code you want to edit and then click on Edit.
You can now change any of the fields stated in the creation points above.

Delete Discount Codes #

On the Promo Codes page. Click on the Actions button of the Code you want to delete and then click on Delete.

Edit or Delete a Promo Code

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