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Can a Customer be a member of Two or more studios using KRIYA? Is there just one place to log on?

1 min read

KRIYA Booking System has the Feature to recognize a Customer after their first registration with our system via any Business. They just have to verify their account to be a customer of another Studio which uses our system.

Watch this video to understand :

Let us understand how things work #

Once a Customer creates an account within KRIYA through any of the businesses, the customer details are saved within the system.

  1. If I as a Customer of any previous Studio/Business using KRIYA tries to Sign-Up with a other Studio, of which I am not a Member of.
  2. As our system recognizes the email is already registered in KRIYA. An Alert will popup on the screen saying “You are Already a Registered Customer in KRIYA with different Businesses and you jsut have to verify your password to link your account with this Business”.
  3. Now I have to Login with the same ID and Password to become a Customer of this Business.and to link my account with it.
  4. This has to be done just once for every new Studio I want to Join.
  5. Alternatively I can make another account with a different Email address. And I will have to login with the same.
Pop-Up for Already Registered Customer

Email Id and Password for logging with all the Business using KRIYA will be the same, if we use the Verification method, every time I become a member of another Business.

Every Studio/Business have a particular Widget or Website. We need to go to that website and login for doing bookings and other transactions.

Note : Customer must Logout out of the other Studio website, before Logging into another.

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