Login to KRIYA. On the Dashboard, head to Schedule / Classes. Both are the same. The schedule shows the timetable in a graphical style, and the classes are tabular.
We can see an Add a Class on the Top Right corner of the page. Click on it to add a new class.
Or Click the Actions button of the class where you have to make changes and click on Edit.
Choosing any of the above ways, you will be taken to a new page where we can fill in the details of a class. Let us see what are those.
Changing the Class #
Select a Class type which is available in your Studio. Or quickly create a new class type with the quick link below this Text box.
Changing the Description #
This will be available only while editing a class, as when you select a Class Type in the above field, the description you created when you made a Class Type will be automatically loaded while creating a class.
You can change it while editing.
Changing the Room #
Here you have to enter the location details for where the class will be held. You can add more locations from the Main menu, head to Settings and then Locations.
Changing the Passes Allowed to Book #
Please select from the list of passes you have which can be used to book this class; it can be one or multiple passes.
Leave this field empty if all passes can book the class you are creating / editing.
For example, Select “Daily meditation Pass” here so only these pass holders can book this Class.
Changing the Start Date #
Select the Start date of the Class.
Changing the Start & End Time #
Select these times to mention the number of hours these classes will run.
For example: Start Time: 7 am, End Time: 8 am. Indicates a 1-hour session.
Changing the Instructor #
Select the Instructor/Tutor who will teach in this class.
Changing the Repeat #
Select Does not Repeat if it is a one-time Session, or select according to the Class; if it is a weekly class, select weekly, etc.
Changing the Every #
This option will appear if you select any options other than Does not Repeat in the repeat list.
Leave it blank if you have a regular weekly or monthly repeating class.
For example, When you select a weekly class, the class will repeat every 1 week, so 1 is auto-selected in this option; if you want to repeat this class every 2 weeks, select 2 here.
Changing the Until #
Leave this option blank so the class will repeat for 2 years, or mention a date on which this class ends. This is helpful when you want to have some classes as a course for 3 or 5 months.
Also, select the days of the week the class will be held.
For example, Students can have a Class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Changing the Make It a Course #
When you tick/check this Check box, this Class will be treated as a course. Students who book this class will be booked for all the classes in this series. You will have to choose a Pass in the Pass field so that Students will have a pass with credits needed to book for all classes in the series.
Save & Update Settings #
Depending on what you are doing, Click Add Class / Update to save the settings you have added/changed.